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Cotton Picker

Buy used Cotton picker and heads at best prices from reliable sellers or machinery dealer. Attractive offers on high-quality agricultural machinery in good working condition. Get the right farm implement at moderate prices.

Case IH 2155 4 Row Cotton Picker

Case IH 2155 4 Row Cotton Express Picker, 2896 Engine Hours, 1963 Fan Hours, 6 Cylinder Turbo Diesel Engine, 2 Speed Hydrostatic Transmission, 4 Wheel Drive, High Drum, Hydraulic Row Width Adjustment, Plant Lifters, Automatic Height Adjustment, Onboard Greasing, Automatic Packer, 4 Bale Capacity, AM/FM AC, (2) 24.5-32 Front Tyres, (2) 14.9-24 Rear Tyres, 28′ Long, 15′ Wide, 12’6″ High

Price: POA

1993 John Deere 9960 4 Row 4WD Cotton Picker

John Deere 9960 4WD Cotton Picker, 617 Hrs Showing, John Deere D466, 6 Cylinder, Diesel, Water Cooled Engine, 488 Separator Hours, Hydrostatic, Self-Propelled, 4WD, 18.4-38 Front Tyres, 14.3-24 Rear Tyres, Duals, Work Lights, Auto Height Control, 4 Rows, Adjustable Spacing, Heater, AC, Radio, Mud Hog Brand Steering Axle, Basket Augers, Remote Header Harness, 

Price: POA

1992 John Deere 9960 4 Row 2WD Cotton Picker

John Deere 9960 2WD Cotton Picker, 827 Engine Hours Showing, Unknown Fan Hours, John Deere 6-Cylinder Turbo Diesel Engine, 3 Speed Hydrostatic Transmission, Hydraulic Basket Lift And Dump, 4 Row Hydraulic Up And Down Head Adjustment, (2) 18.4-38 R1W Front Tyres, (2) 20.8-38 R2 Front Tyres, (2) 9.00-24 Steering Tyres, AM/FM, A/C, Height 12.5′, Length 27′, Width 15.5′, 

Price: POA

Case IH 2055 4 Row Cotton Picker 2WD 1993

Case IH 2055 2WD Cotton Picker, 2456 Engine Hours Showing, 6-Cylinder Turbo Diesel Engine, 3 Speed Hydrostatic Transmission, 2 Wheel Drive, (2) 24.5-32 Front Tyres, (2) 14.9-24 Steering Tyres, 4 Row Hydraulic Up And Down Head Adjustment, Height 13.5″, Width 14″, Length 25′

Price: POA


Farmall 416 2 Row Cotton Picker 

1975 Farmall 416 Basket Cotton Picker, C263 Diesel Engine, Manual Transmission, 2 Row 38″ Spacing, Wide Front End, Basket Tromper, Cab With Blower, 18.4-34 Drive Tyres, 7.50-18 Steer Tyres, 

Price: POA

John Deere 9976

Used John Deere 9976 Cotton Pickers, 4 row picker, 3701 engine hours, 2718 fan hours, 6 row toolbar/unload door and step platform, set up for double skip cotton, rowtrak, basket extensions, dual drive tyres. Excellent condition

Price: £19,765

John Deere 9965

John Deere 9965 cotton picker, rear wheel drive, good tyres, always shedded, hours used 5,018 h, great machine for conversion.Ready to work

Price: £14,424

John Deere 9976 4 Row

2000 John Deere 9976 4 row cotton picker 6 row tool bar, duals, guess row tracker, rowtrack, extended door unload and step platform. Good condition and ready to work

Price: £17,918

John Deere 9986 2 Row

John Deere 9986 2 row cotton picker 4 row tool bar, duals, guess row tracker, rowtrack, extended door unload and step platform currently setup on single skip, 2 Heads, refurbished, never used.

Price: £21,750

John Deere 9965 4 Row

John Deere  9965 4 Row Cotton Picker 6 row tool bar, 3758 fan hours, 4882 eng hours, dual 18.4 x 38 drive tyres 30% rubber, extended toolbar, guess row tracker, row track.

Price: POA

Finch Cotton Boll Buggy

Finch Cotton Boll Buggy, chain unload, in good condition

Price: £2,259

John Deere 7760 Cotton Picker Head

John Deere 7760 Picker heads only. Pro 16 Picker heads off a 2015 Model 7760 Cotton Picker, heads have only done around 400 hrs and have been in storage and field ready

Price: POA

AFM Hyfab

AFM Hyfab module builder 3 upgraded Hyfab builders to choose from. All 40′.Two with engine and one without. All have single operator  hydraulic lever, hydraulic tramper wheel travell. All are on truck tyres. These are good heavy builders with checker plate  walls. Ready for work.

Price: £1,969

Connor Shea Napier Boll Buggy

Used ConnorShea Napier Boll Buggy, trailing, model number MBM20LA

Price: £738