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In farming sector, harvesting equipment accounts for some of the most important pieces of equipment you will find anywhere in farming. The harvesting equipment available includes combine harvesters, forage harvesters and self-propelled forage harvesters, Cotton Picker, Windrower, Sugarcane Onion and potato harvesters. Most of these machines represent a substantial investment, so it is worth investing the time and effort to do your research and get that purchasing decision right.

The combine harvester, as the name might suggest, is a complex machine that combines the jobs of reaping, threshing and winnowing. The basic set-up has not changed that much over the years, and the sequence remains the same. A header chops the crop, which is then fed into a threshing chamber. In this chamber the straw and chaff are separated from the grain, which is then sent to a shoe. Selecting the right combine harvester for your needs is a matter of sizing the machine’s capacity against the demands of your acreage. You should also check that the technology and components being used are applicable to your crop. You need to look at the width of the headers and the throughput capacity of the machine. You should also look at the maintenance costs and check that all key components are in good condition. If you are looking at one of the more recent models of used combine harvesters, you should also give some thought to the instrumentation and telematics available. In the more modern machines, the combine can almost operate itself.

Combine Harvesters

Forage / Silage Harvesters

Swather / Windrower Harvesters

Cotton Picker / Harvesters

Potato Harvesters

Onion Harvesters

Sugarcane Harvesters