Year: 1994
Make: Ford
Model: 6640
Condition: Used
Horsepower: 84
Drive: 4×2 2WD
Engine: Ford
Cylinder: 4
Fuel: 5.0L Diesel
5.0 L diesel
4 cylinder
8 valve
PTO: 540 / 76 HP
Starter volts: 12
Steering:hydrostatic power
2WD Cab Weight (shipping):8,129 lbs [3687 kg] Transmission: SynchroShift. Gears: 12 forward and reverse
Four gears (1-4) in three ranges (L/M/H) with right-hand shuttle lever. Gear shifts are synchronized. Shifts between medium and high ranges are synchronized, but the tractor should be stopped to shift to or from low range. Sychronized shuttle shifting. The 12-speed SynchroShift standard with 6640 SL.
Ford 6640 SL 2wd tractor c/w BKT 10.00-16 front and Goodyear 16.9 R38 rear wheels and tyres. Year 1994. 2646 hours.
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